D o i t
빨래, 건조를 하나의 세탁조에서 할 수 있는 리프트 방식 세탁기 디자인.
디자이너닷 디자인 포트폴리오
Syn You Jin
2021. 05
우리는 최근 빨래와 건조 상하 구조형 드럼세탁기를 사용합니다. 세탁기를 사용하다 보면 빨래를 한 뒤 잊은 채로 방치하거나 해서 곰팡이가 증식하는 경우, 빨래 다 된 뒤에 건조대에 빨래를 옮겨 건조기를 써야 하는 상황이 발생하는데요.
Do-it-Dryer-Washing-Machine는 내부 자체에서 위아래로 리프트 되어 하나의 세탁조에서 빨래 건조가 가능하도록 디자인한 컨셉입니다.
A time when convenience comes first. Let's provide complete user convenience.
With washing machines and dryers becoming essential home appliances at home, the home appliance market continues to grow and demand is increasing. In addition, there are problems such as the burden of purchasing two large appliances, such as washing machines and dryers, and lack of space.
It is difficult to get in and out of the laundry due to the high entrance of the dryer, and you have to wait for the laundry to be done. It was intended to address users' natural inconvenience in the laundry laundry and drying process, such as having to move the laundry to a dryer.
User scenario analysis to identify issues and needs
When the user wrote the scenario of using the washing machine and dryer in chronological order, there was a lot of inconvenience in carrying the laundry. I found these problems and showed them through blue memo. And the idea to solve the problem was shown in yellow.
The user must wait until the washing is complete and move the laundry after drying. Transfer the laundry from the washing machine to the dryer and use two products. Until now, there was an inconvenience that users had to solve the connection. In response, a product, not a user, came up with the idea of moving laundry directly.
바른 성장의 지름길 │ 디자이너닷
제품디자인 아카데미 │ Designerdot
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